Empowering Irish Retailers For 25 Years!

Sharon Yourell Lawlor and Claire Cogan set out to research and write a guide on the topic of ‘Retail Sustainability’ it was very clear from the beginning that if retailers were to really embrace it, this guide needed to be very practical in nature, easy to understand and simple to follow. It also needed to be written in a way that audiences – retail owners, managers and staff; businesses supplying into the retail sector; agencies working with retailers and suppliers – could all relate to.

Starting your journey on any project can seem daunting, particularly when the topic is something like ‘sustainability’ and it feels like others are well ahead of you on their journeys and educated around the technical jargon. So when you download the Sustainable Irish Retail Action (SIRA) guide, you will see that this guide has been divided into clear sections, starting with what the guide is and how to use it. The language is simple.  The aim is to dip in and out, not to have to digest it all in one go. But it is key to get started on your sustainability journey.

Sections 1 to 6 expand on the topics of sustainability, covering things like:

  • The retailer’s role around sustainability.
  • Why retailers should invest in making their retail business more sustainable.
  • Simple definitions for sustainability and climate action.
  • Ways to help retailers to understand climate jargon.
  • Why it is important to adopt a circular mindset.

Section 7 outlines supports available to Irish retailers to help them make their businesses more sustainable and points towards where more information on these supports can be found.

Section 8 then introduces 10 key pillars of retail sustainability, using a mix of case studies from retailers and suppliers to showcase what other retailers have already done to make their businesses more sustainable, alongside practical hints and tips.

Over the next few weeks, we will cover different sections from the SIRA guide so that you can see the type of content available within it. This e-guide is free to download from Retail Excellence’s website, thanks to the sponsorship of TapCreative. who also designed the guide for us, AIB, Vodafone and SuperValu (Musgrave)

You can access the SIRA Guide via the link:


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