If you are experiencing any issues with the payment method, please contact info@retailexcellence.ie and we will reach out with a different payment processPlease indicate your submission method for Phase 2 below(Required) Customer Perception Audit Self-Submission via the Customer Perception Portal Head Office First & Last Name(Required) Head Office Email Address(Required) Head Office Phone(Required)Head Office Company(Required) Head Office Address(Required) Head Office Eircode(Required) Store Awards: Phase 2 Number of Stores(Required)One (€195 Ex.VAT)Two (€390 Ex.VAT)Three (€585 Ex.VAT)Four (€780 Ex.VAT)Five (€975 Ex.VAT)Six (€1170 Ex.VAT)Seven (€1365 Ex.VAT)TESTPhase 2 - Shop Audit #1Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #2Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #3Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #4Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #5Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #6Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearPhase 2 - Shop Audit #7Store Name(Required) Store Address(Required) Store Eircode(Required) Store Primary Contact Name(Required) Store Primary Contact Email Address(Required) Store Primary Contact Telephone/Mobile Number(Required)Awards Category(Required)Restaurant, Wine and Coffee House of the YearFashion | Footwear | Childrenswear | Accessory | Department Store of the YearElectronic & Tech Store of the YearForecourt | Convenience | Supermarket Store of the YearGarden | DIY | Agri Store of the YearHealth | Pharmacy | Beauty Store of the YearHome | Interiors Store of the YearJewellery | Gift Store of the YearOptician Store of the YearLifeStyle Store of the YearVAT Price: € 0.00 Total If you are experiencing any issues with the payment method, please contact info@retailexcellence.ie and we will reach out with a different payment process Δ